Tag Archives: Book

THE POINT ON THE BOOK | The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Third appointment with THE POINT ON THE BOOK. This week we take you to beautiful Paris with its atmosphere and refined scents. THE ELEGANCE OF THE RICH – by Muriel Barbery Rene Michel is not what he seems to be. For the building at no. 7 Rue de Grenelle is the concierge but for Paloma […]

THE POINT ON THE BOOK | Barney’s Version.

We continue our contribution in the month of reading where we present a book paired with a point. This week we thought we would offer a pattern for knitting. Happy reading and good work. BARNEY’S VERSION by Mordecai Richler Barney Panofsky is a gruff, rude, and quarrelsome old man who decides to write an autobiography […]

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