Tag Archives: courses

The Countdown is on… Valentina is on her way!!!

We are at -19 days…. Valentina Cosciani is about to arrive and be our guest!!! feelings are manifold because not only will it be an opportunity to meet the smiling and talented Valentina but also to find out what she has created for this occasion… what do we know… the date… Saturday, February 21 Hours. […]

A creative autumn: new Philarino classes start! (UPDATED)

Fall has just begun, and here at Filarino we are preparing the necessities to face it in the most creative way: lots of knitted and crocheted projects! If you are looking forward to the first cold evenings in the company of your needles or if you are looking for the perfect idea for Christmas, our […]

It’s September and it’s off to a great start!!!

Once upon a time, as a child, I would never have said this…but…. I love September!!! It is the month of beginnings…so very fun and full of excitement! I would say this got off to a great start with an article by Giorgia Olivieri in her Bo-utique column, in La Repubblica Bologna. It’s tricot-mania in […]

June appointments: here’s everything to look forward to

Here are all the appointments for June! Our courses: Saturday, June 6, 10 a.m: CREATE YOUR OWN CROCHET COSTUME The course is suitable for those who already have some dexterity with crochet, because we will make our own bikini in a few hours! cost 15.00 euro Make reservations by calling 3393110527 or emailing info@ilfilarino.it Saturday, […]

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